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When looking to become a foster parent and have a child placed in your home, it’s crucial to understand what it takes and why it can sometimes take longer to become a certified caregiver. As with most things in life, several factors influence how long it takes to become a foster care. In this article, we at 2INgage will discuss some of the factors that affect foster care placement.

Top 3 Factors That Influence Foster Care Placement

Location of Foster Homes

Many children that wait for foster care come from rural communities. However, there are an insufficient number of licensed family foster homes in rural areas compared to urban areas. The reasons behind this include:
●    There’s a difficulty in accessing needed services
●    Absence of insufficient pre-service training
●    Lack of supportive social networks like neighbors

Kinship Care

One of the current trends in foster care, kinship care, is another factor that affects foster care placement. It’s currently on the rise in several states as relatives are given preference over other foster families only if the relative is qualified and willing.
Kinship care lessens the need for traditional foster homes, for instance, in a case whereby out-of-state kin abruptly expresses interest in fostering the child placed in a foster home. The child is suddenly removed from the foster home and placed with the kin. Due to such incidents, many states allow for a lengthy amount of time in which a relative may come forward.


A narrow range of preferences in terms of age, race, etc., makes the foster care process take much longer. At 2INgage, we recommend you don’t be too particular about the child you want to foster. Open your heart to kids you may not have considered before.

Foster care placement can take time, but you will make it through if you are prepared and organized. At 2INgage, we are a nonprofit organization committed to catering to the most vulnerable families through foster care in Wichita Falls and Abilene. Contact us today for more information.