WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) — Every 45 seconds, a child is uprooted from everything they’ve ever known as they join 13,000 other Texas foster kids in need of safe, loving homes.
With fluctuating security comes life-altering transitions and an occasional lack of proper tools to carry possessions from family to family, and 2INgage officials are working to show each foster child dignity and reliability by providing sturdy luggage for an entire year.
The North Texas Community-Based Care contractor, 2INgage, has set a lofty goal of providing 2,000 brand-new suitcases to foster kids across the state from now until February 13, 2024.
Spreading some much-needed love just in time for Valentine’s Day, 2INgage officials hope to “Pack all their love” for Texas kids with the regional Luggage Drive, their website said.
But, they can’t do it alone.
Donations will be accepted all month long with 2INgage’s Amazon Wish List. Plus, on Tuesday, February 13, Fallstown folks will have the opportunity to drop off new luggage at Colonial church at 4300 Maplewood Avenue and Blue Skies at 917 Midwestern Parkway all day long.
Recent Texas legislation requires each child to be supplied with suitable luggage by either the department itself or individual foster families, but, with such a significant stream of kids entering the system, 2INgage said they’re inviting all Texans to contribute to this effort.
While fresh storage for prized possessions is certainly a step in the right direction, foster kids and families alike can always use added community support, according to 2INgage’s website.
To learn how to make an active difference in the foster care system during transitory periods, visit their website or call (877) 942-2239.