As a foster parent, you receive funds to help provide for your foster child’s needs. Overspending isn’t necessary and may even distract from other priorities. Plus, you don’t have to be a cynic to notice that advertisers are often targeting kids to get parents to spend more. Here are 5 strategies for keeping your foster home spending in check:
Limit Screen Time
Television programs and internet sites are loaded with ads designed to get kids to ask their parents to buy them things. It’s one more good reason to enforce sensible limits on daily screen time.
Be Selective About Brands
What will you do when your foster children ask for expensive brand name products? Teach them to be educated consumers who shop around for the best values.
Resist Impulse Buying
The areas around the cash register and the end of store aisles are prime territories for encouraging impulse buying. Thus, try making a list before you leave home so you stick to buying just the items you set out to get.
Beware of Kids’ Versions
Some children’s products make sense, and others are just a way of marking up the price. For example, that cute little yogurt container with the toddler on the package may be identical to the lower-priced regular product. Even worse, it may contain more sugar and artificial ingredients that you don’t want to serve to your foster children.
Work Together as a Family
You’ll get more cooperation if you collaborate. Use shopping as an opportunity to discuss a less materialistic lifestyle. You could even motivate your foster children to search for bargains by offering to share the savings with them.
Find More Ways Texas Foster Parents Can Resist Overspending
Do you have questions about the financial aspects of becoming a foster parent? Contact us at 2INgage to learn more about how you can join us in serving vulnerable children and families in Texas.